八月 16, 2017
Replacing blueman with blueberry in Fedora 26 Xfce
Maybe the graphical bluetooth management tool blueman is either too complicated or buggy. Anyway, I don’t like it.
八月 9, 2017
在Visual Studio中使用GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
发现一个github仓库实现了这个事情: GNU Scientific Library with CMake build support。
八月 2, 2017
Shadowsocks-rss wiki rescue
These pages are pulled from Google Web cache. Unfortunately these are not everything of the original wiki. If you have the other parts of the wiki that are missing here, don’t hesitate to comment below!
七月 10, 2017
Libraries make easy
Were it not for the exsiting librarys (LiquidCrystal and NewPing), I would spend one more day porting my MCS-51 code on LCD1602 and HY-SR05 to Arduino!